Davinci Resolve
Davinci Resolve – Colour Space Transform
Davinci ResolveColour Space Transform Overview… Log, Linear, Raw?… Arri, Red, Sony, Panasonic… Cinematographers have multiple formats to make use of, it could be the high
Davinci ResolveColour Space Transform Overview… Log, Linear, Raw?… Arri, Red, Sony, Panasonic… Cinematographers have multiple formats to make use of, it could be the high
Camera Operator, Gimbal Tech, DOP, Bald Bearded Bloke?… With a eye watering and inward wincing amount of years experience in live television, Broadcast News, shoe string shorts and glossy fashion, music and lifestyle promotions i look to be your everything camera, lighting and movement.
Be it Arri, Sony and Red or GoPro, from Ronin 2 to Movi Carbon, from handheld, Gimbal to Segwaying ArmorMan Clad eyesore, i’ll be everything you hope for and chuck in beard oil and maintenance tips for free :)